X-RAY PRO, We are one of few companies in the Radiation Shielding Business in Thailand. that provides complete turnkey solutions. Our Expertise in Shielding gives us a Unique Knowledge of the Best, Most Effective, and Most Efficient ways to construct Shielded Rooms, Laboratories, and Buildings. Having worked closely with numerous equipment manufacturers.

We use only purest lead available for our sheet lead and Radiation Glass.
We include Lead line door( Solid core wood,Lead line ,Steel Strapped)
Lead lined Dry Wall(Otherwise Lead Lined Fiber Cement Wall Board or Lead Lined Gypsum Wall Board ) and Lead Lined Compacted Board(Laminated furnished),
Leaded Glass,Lead Sheet,Lead Free Board, Lead Screen and doors, Lead Apron and many other lead products.
Contact Us : (66)86-975-8694
International Sale : (66)81-839-0549
Tel & Fax : (66)2-192-1708
Email : xraypro.sale@gmail.com
Radiation Protection Glass NEG(LX-57B)
Because of its excellent radiation shielding capability and high light transmittance, radiation shielding lead glass LX-57B of Nippon Electric Glass (NEG) has many medical and laboratory applications, as well as being widely used in nuclear power industries. Since the LX-57B glass is melted in a tank furnace and rolled continuously, NEG is able to supply large-size and high-quality LX-57B glass readily upon demand.
Lead Sheet
Sheet lead possesses many benefits that make it highly desirable in a variety of applications. Lead is a very soft metal that can be easily formed and cut to size by hand at room temperartures without work hardening. Lead is a nonferrous metal so it does not rust and its inherent density coupled with its high limpness value give it many uses in industry. Sheet lead is highly resistant to corrosion so it is a desirable product to use for tank linings for corrosive acids and strong industrial chemicals and corrosion resistant sealing gaskets.
LEAD SCREEN Standard and Custom Size